
Colouring Contest

Weekly colouring contests will engage youth of all ages. Original works of art have been purchased from 3 Indigenous artists (Pam Callou, Cristi Belcourt and Jason Gullo) and is available online to download. Participants can upload their finished works (by age) to social media using the hashtag #SSIFColouring and encourage votes. Weekly prizes by vote...

Algonquin Language BINGO June 11

Join us to play Four Directions Bingo starting Friday, June 4th at 6pm! North is Kiwedin. East is Wabanong. South is Shawanong. West is Pangishimo. Each Winner with the 4 directions (4 correctly placed numbers) receives $50. A full card gives you a jackpot of $500! Click on this link: and generate your free...