Established in Ottawa in 1996, the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival (SSIF) is a multi-disciplinary arts festival that brings together Indigenous artists, performers, educators, students, and community members to share knowledge and celebrate Canada’s diverse Indigenous cultures. Summer Solstice Festivals are produced by Indigenous Experiences on behalf of the National Indigenous Peoples Day Committee (NIPD). In 2020, the former 4-day live event transformed to a month-long virtual festival coinciding with National Indigenous History Month and culminating on National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21st). This year, virtual programming includes The SSIMAs a new national Indigenous music awards program; Education Days bringing together thousands of students and hundreds of teachers online; streamed performances; interactive family activities; arts and crafts, culinary and cultural workshops with make-at-home DIY kits delivered to registered participants; an International Competition Social Distance Pow Wow with $40,000 to be won; and the Indigenous Marketplace which has been operating online since reopening last October for the 2020 holiday season. The Festival will open June 1st and close on June 21st with drive-in movies and concerts at a local Ottawa venue.
The Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival (SSIF) helps Canadians of all walks of life to recognize the enormous contributions that Inuit, First Nations and Métis peoples have made to Canada.
With input from Indigenous Peoples’ national organizations, the Government of Canada designated June 21 National Indigenous Peoples Day (NIPD) to celebrate Indigenous peoples’ culture and heritage. This date was chosen because it is near or on the date of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. For generations, many Indigenous communities have celebrated their culture and heritage at this time of year.
For over twenty years, NIPD events in the National Capital Region have created an opportunity for all residents to celebrate the culture and contributions of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. The Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival is a family-oriented multi-disciplinary arts festival that attracts over 40,000 visitors a year.
SSIF is an annual event that truly represents the cultural diversity of our urban Indigenous community, with full participation of First Nations, Métis and Inuit artists. This diversity within our own cultures is reflected in all elements of the event, from leadership to the selection of artists representing each of the Indigenous communities. We stay true to diversity each year, as we include headliners and workshop leaders from the Métis, Inuit and First Nations communities.
SSIMA is positioned to become an integral part of Canada’s history in the years to come. You can help ensure that Indigenous presence and participation from the music community is available to a wider audience by spreading the word!
Our logo, resembling the sun, is composed of unique imagery from the Métis, Inuit & First Nations communities coming together in Ottawa to celebrate National Aboriginal Day at Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival.
The brand colour scheme was taken from an image of a sunset on a Summer solstice and were chosen for warmth, energy and joy.
This shape represents Inuit culture by symbolizing an all-purpose knife traditionally used by Inuit people.
Symbolizing light rays as well as Métis finger weaving, this element represents Métis people.
A symbol that represents the numerous First Nations people in Canada.
Emphasizing light, sun, and celebration.